What Do We Do?

Family life can be a challenge, and having a baby and bringing up children is a difficult job at the best of times. For some of us this can be harder because of our own personal difficulties and problems or because of our family/whānau situation. It is at these times that getting help can be really important. We're here to help.

Te Korowai Tauawhi

"Family Start has a focus on helping parents do a great job with their child’s health, growth, education and safety."

Te Korowai Tauawhi

Te Korowai Tauawhi is a child-centered, home visiting programme that focuses on improving tamariki health, learning, relationships, whānau circumstances, environment and safety.

Te Waka Tamariki

A community-led approach working with tamariki and their whanau to create safer lives and better outcomes. We do this by putting tamariki first removing barriers to access services and supports, working collaboratively with community partners, & creating one assessment & one plan.

Whakatō Te Kākano

The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Kāinga Rua

Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty) and kāinga kore (homeless).

  • Housing
  • Wrap around supports
  • Papakāinga

Tiakina Te Rito Rangatahi

Tiakina Te Rito Rangatahi provide flexible programs, workshops, and opportunities to fit the needs of the rangatahi that are looking for support reconnecting and enhancing their ideas for their futures.

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

The Caressing Wind That Nurtures the Hearts of Our Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki/ fanau going into statutory care.

Nga Hua Whakatupuranga

Children are the heart, raised and nurtured in the protection of their parents and family.

“Take care of our children. Take care of what they hear, take care of what they see, take care of what they feel. For how the children grow, so will the shape of Aotearoa.”

Whina Cooper

Te Korowai Tauawhi

Te Korowai Tauawhi is a child-centered, home visiting programme that focuses on improving tamariki health, learning, relationships, whānau circumstances, environment and safety.

Te Waka Tamariki

A community-led approach working with tamariki and their whanau to create safer lives and better outcomes. We do this by putting tamariki first removing barriers to access services and supports, working collaboratively with community partners, & creating one assessment & one plan.

Whakatō Te Kākano

The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Kāinga Rua

Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty) and kāinga kore (homeless).

  • Housing
  • Wrap around supports
  • Papakāinga

Tiakina Te Rito Rangatahi

Tiakina Te Rito Rangatahi provide flexible programs, workshops, and opportunities to fit the needs of the rangatahi that are looking for support reconnecting and enhancing their ideas for their futures.

  • 1

    One to one mentoring

  • 2

    Youth Panel as the governing body

  • 3

    Youth Hub for tamariki & rangatahi

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

The Caressing Wind That Nurtures the Hearts of Our Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki/ fanau going into statutory care.

Nga Hua Whakatupuranga

Children are the heart, raised and nurtured in the protection of their parents and family.

“Take care of our children. Take care of what they hear, take care of what they see, take care of what they feel. For how the children grow, so will the shape of Aotearoa.”

Whina Cooper

What Do We Do?

Family life can be a challenge, and having a baby and bringing up children is a difficult job at the best of times. For some of us this can be harder because of our own personal difficulties and problems or because of our family/whānau situation. It is at these times that getting help can be really important. We're here to help.

Te Korowai Tauawhi

Te Korowai Tauawhi is a child-centered, home visiting programme that focuses on improving tamariki health, learning, relationships, whānau circumstances, environment and safety.

Te Waka Tamariki

A community-led approach working with tamariki and their whanau to create safer lives and better outcomes. We do this by putting tamariki first removing barriers to access services and supports, working collaboratively with community partners, & creating one assessment & one plan.

Whakatō Te Kākano

The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Kāinga Rua

Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty) and kāinga kore (homeless).

  • Housing
  • Wrap around supports
  • Papakāinga

Tiakina Te Rito Rangatahi

Tiakina Te Rito Rangatahi provide flexible programs, workshops, and opportunities to fit the needs of the rangatahi that are looking for support reconnecting and enhancing their ideas for their futures.

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

The Caressing Wind That Nurtures the Hearts of Our Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki/ fanau going into statutory care.

Nga Hua Whakatupuranga

Children are the heart, raised and nurtured in the protection of their parents and family.

“Take care of our children. Take care of what they hear, take care of what they see, take care of what they feel. For how the children grow, so will the shape of Aotearoa.”

Whina Cooper

Te Waka Tamariki

From 2nd November 2020, Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust will provide the operational process and referrals for Te Waka Tamariki, formerly known as Hamilton Children's Team.

Whakatō Te Kākano

Whakatō Te Kākano is a tamaiti centered service that focuses on providing whānau the knowledge, support and tools to enable their tamaiti to blossom and achieve their potential.

Kāinga Rua

Kāinga Rua is a residential service delivering support for whānau Māori resident of Kirikiriroa and who are kāinga kore (homeless) and rawakore (experiencing extreme poverty). The service walks alongside tamariki and their whānau who are confronted with challenges that significantly impact their health, social, education, economic and housing outcomes.

Tiakina Te Rito Rangatahi

A youth-led approach service that empowers tamariki & rangatahi to reach their aspirations and find their purpose & self worth.

  • 1

    One to one mentoring

  • 2

    Youth Panel as the governing body

  • 3

    Youth Hub for tamariki & rangatahi

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki/fanau going into statutory care.

We aim to keep tamariki/fanau safe and well in loving whānau/ainga and safe communities.

Nga Hua Whakatupuranga

Children are the heart, raised and nurtured in the protection of their parents and family.

KFST work in partnership with Integrated Safety Response for tamariki/whānau impacted by family harm to provide intervention & support.