Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki going into statutory care.

We aim to keep tamariki safe and well in loving whānau/aiga and safe communities.

Our moemoeā and tūmanako for Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is to provide a high quality te ao Māori service with our tamariki, mokopuna and their whānau and Oranga Tamariki.

The collaboration between Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust, K’aute Pasifika, Tuu Oho Mai and Oranga Tamariki is a unique blend of service innovation and cultural intelligence that will provide an increased level of cultural responsiveness that will shift and support tamariki and their whānau towards mana motuhake.

Your Rights - Our Responsibilities

Kotahitanga - Providing a community response that creates a healing Mauri that is energized by contributions from whanau, hapuu, Iwi and community. Kotahitanga preserves the voice of the tamariki mokopuna and their whānau. Whaanau are engaged for the ahi kaa element that is fundamental to achieving mana motuhake.

Le Va - The Va is about healthy and strong relationships with one another, to ensure the collective unit are thriving and striving in a challenging world.

Whakamana te Tangata - Every person has their own unique mana

Oranga Tanga - we recognise that oranga is a journey and we understand the long-term impact of our actions today”. We will apply “oranga” in the context of oranga tamariki, oranga whānau and oranga hāpori. Reminding us all the health and wellbeing of our taonga, our children, can only be manifested in healthy and well whānau who are living and participating in healthy and well communities.

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki going into statutory care.

We aim to keep tamariki safe and well in loving whānau/aiga and safe communities.

Our moemoeā and tūmanako for Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is to provide a high quality te ao Māori service with our tamariki, mokopuna and their whānau and Oranga Tamariki.

The collaboration between Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust, K’aute Pasifika, Tuu Oho Mai and Oranga Tamariki is a unique blend of service innovation and cultural intelligence that will provide an increased level of cultural responsiveness that will shift and support tamariki and their whānau towards mana motuhake.

Your Rights - Our Responsibilities

Kotahitanga - Providing a community response that creates a healing Mauri that is energized by contributions from whanau, hapuu, Iwi and community. Kotahitanga preserves the voice of the tamariki mokopuna and their whānau. Whaanau are engaged for the ahi kaa element that is fundamental to achieving mana motuhake.

Le Va - The Va is about healthy and strong relationships with one another, to ensure the collective unit are thriving and striving in a challenging world.

Whakamana te Tangata - Every person has their own unique mana

Oranga Tanga - we recognise that oranga is a journey and we understand the long-term impact of our actions today”. We will apply “oranga” in the context of oranga tamariki, oranga whānau and oranga hāpori. Reminding us all the health and wellbeing of our taonga, our children, can only be manifested in healthy and well whānau who are living and participating in healthy and well communities.

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki going into statutory care.

We aim to keep tamariki safe and well in loving whānau/aiga and safe communities.

Our moemoeā and tūmanako for Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is to provide a high quality te ao Māori service with our tamariki, mokopuna and their whānau and Oranga Tamariki.

The collaboration between Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust, K’aute Pasifika, Tuu Oho Mai and Oranga Tamariki is a unique blend of service innovation and cultural intelligence that will provide an increased level of cultural responsiveness that will shift and support tamariki and their whānau towards mana motuhake.

Your Rights - Our Responsibilities

Kotahitanga - Providing a community response that creates a healing Mauri that is energized by contributions from whanau, hapuu, Iwi and community. Kotahitanga preserves the voice of the tamariki mokopuna and their whānau. Whaanau are engaged for the ahi kaa element that is fundamental to achieving mana motuhake.

Le Va - The Va is about healthy and strong relationships with one another, to ensure the collective unit are thriving and striving in a challenging world.

Whakamana te Tangata - Every person has their own unique mana

Oranga Tanga - we recognise that oranga is a journey and we understand the long-term impact of our actions today”. We will apply “oranga” in the context of oranga tamariki, oranga whānau and oranga hāpori. Reminding us all the health and wellbeing of our taonga, our children, can only be manifested in healthy and well whānau who are living and participating in healthy and well communities.

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki going into statutory care.

We aim to keep tamariki safe and well in loving whānau/aiga and safe communities.

Our moemoeā and tūmanako for Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is to provide a high quality te ao Māori service with our tamariki, mokopuna and their whānau and Oranga Tamariki.

The collaboration between Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust, K’aute Pasifika, Tuu Oho Mai and Oranga Tamariki is a unique blend of service innovation and cultural intelligence that will provide an increased level of cultural responsiveness that will shift and support tamariki and their whānau towards mana motuhake.

Your Rights - Our Responsibilities

Kotahitanga - Providing a community response that creates a healing Mauri that is energized by contributions from whanau, hapuu, Iwi and community. Kotahitanga preserves the voice of the tamariki mokopuna and their whānau. Whaanau are engaged for the ahi kaa element that is fundamental to achieving mana motuhake.

Le Va - The Va is about healthy and strong relationships with one another, to ensure the collective unit are thriving and striving in a challenging world.

Whakamana te Tangata - Every person has their own unique mana

Oranga Tanga - we recognise that oranga is a journey and we understand the long-term impact of our actions today”. We will apply “oranga” in the context of oranga tamariki, oranga whānau and oranga hāpori. Reminding us all the health and wellbeing of our taonga, our children, can only be manifested in healthy and well whānau who are living and participating in healthy and well communities.

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki going into statutory care.

We aim to keep tamariki safe and well in loving whānau/aiga and safe communities.

Our moemoeā and tūmanako for Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is to provide a high quality te ao Māori service with our tamariki, mokopuna and their whānau and Oranga Tamariki.

The collaboration between Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust, K’aute Pasifika, Tuu Oho Mai and Oranga Tamariki is a unique blend of service innovation and cultural intelligence that will provide an increased level of cultural responsiveness that will shift and support tamariki and their whānau towards mana motuhake.

Your Rights - Our Responsibilities

Kotahitanga - Providing a community response that creates a healing Mauri that is energized by contributions from whanau, hapuu, Iwi and community. Kotahitanga preserves the voice of the tamariki mokopuna and their whānau. Whaanau are engaged for the ahi kaa element that is fundamental to achieving mana motuhake.

Le Va - The Va is about healthy and strong relationships with one another, to ensure the collective unit are thriving and striving in a challenging world.

Whakamana te Tangata - Every person has their own unique mana

Oranga Tanga - we recognise that oranga is a journey and we understand the long-term impact of our actions today”. We will apply “oranga” in the context of oranga tamariki, oranga whānau and oranga hāpori. Reminding us all the health and wellbeing of our taonga, our children, can only be manifested in healthy and well whānau who are living and participating in healthy and well communities.

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna

Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is a collaborative approach to prevent tamariki going into statutory care.

We aim to keep tamariki safe and well in loving whānau/aiga and safe communities.

Our moemoeā and tūmanako for Te Haumirimiri Ngākau Mokopuna is to provide a high quality te ao Māori service with our tamariki, mokopuna and their whānau and Oranga Tamariki.

The collaboration between Kirikiriroa Family Services Trust, K’aute Pasifika, Tuu Oho Mai and Oranga Tamariki is a unique blend of service innovation and cultural intelligence that will provide an increased level of cultural responsiveness that will shift and support tamariki and their whānau towards mana motuhake.

Your Rights - Our Responsibilities

Kotahitanga - Providing a community response that creates a healing Mauri that is energized by contributions from whanau, hapuu, Iwi and community. Kotahitanga preserves the voice of the tamariki mokopuna and their whānau. Whaanau are engaged for the ahi kaa element that is fundamental to achieving mana motuhake.

Le Va - The Va is about healthy and strong relationships with one another, to ensure the collective unit are thriving and striving in a challenging world.

Whakamana te Tangata - Every person has their own unique mana

Oranga Tanga - we recognise that oranga is a journey and we understand the long-term impact of our actions today”. We will apply “oranga” in the context of oranga tamariki, oranga whānau and oranga hāpori. Reminding us all the health and wellbeing of our taonga, our children, can only be manifested in healthy and well whānau who are living and participating in healthy and well communities.

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