Whakatō Te Kākano

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will grow

Whakatō Te Kākano is a tamaiti centred service delivered from a te ao Māori perspective that focuses on providing whānau the knowledge, support and tools to enable their tamaiti to blossom and achieve their potential.

A key component of the programme is the focus on te reo, tikanga and pūrākau Māori. The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Eligibility: Your child is Māori, under the age of 3 years, lives in Hamilton and not currently engaged in an early learning service.

To enroll in Whakatō Te Kākano please complete the online referral form.

Whakatō Te Kākano

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will grow

Whakatō Te Kākano is a tamaiti centred service delivered from a te ao Māori perspective that focuses on providing whānau the knowledge, support and tools to enable their tamaiti to blossom and achieve their potential.

A key component of the programme is the focus on te reo, tikanga and pūrākau Māori. The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Eligibility: Your child is Māori, under the age of 3 years, lives in Hamilton and not currently engaged in an early learning service.

To enroll in Whakatō Te Kākano please complete the online referral form.

Whakatō Te Kākano

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will grow

Whakatō Te Kākano is a tamaiti centred service delivered from a te ao Māori perspective that focuses on providing whānau the knowledge, support and tools to enable their tamaiti to blossom and achieve their potential.

A key component of the programme is the focus on te reo, tikanga and pūrākau Māori. The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Eligibility: Your child is Māori, under the age of 3 years, lives in Hamilton and not currently engaged in an early learning service.

To enroll in Whakatō Te Kākano please complete the online referral form.

Whakatō Te Kākano

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will grow

Whakatō Te Kākano is a tamaiti centred service delivered from a te ao Māori perspective that focuses on providing whānau the knowledge, support and tools to enable their tamaiti to blossom and achieve their potential.

A key component of the programme is the focus on te reo, tikanga and pūrākau Māori. The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Eligibility: Your child is Māori, under the age of 3 years, lives in Hamilton and not currently engaged in an early learning service.

To enroll in Whakatō Te Kākano please complete the online referral form.

Whakatō Te Kākano

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will grow

Whakatō Te Kākano is a tamaiti centred service delivered from a te ao Māori perspective that focuses on providing whānau the knowledge, support and tools to enable their tamaiti to blossom and achieve their potential.

A key component of the programme is the focus on te reo, tikanga and pūrākau Māori. The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Eligibility: Your child is Māori, under the age of 3 years, lives in Hamilton and not currently engaged in an early learning service.

To enroll in Whakatō Te Kākano please complete the online referral form.

Whakatō Te Kākano

Poipoia te kākano kia puawai
Nurture the seed and it will grow

Whakatō Te Kākano is a tamaiti centred service delivered from a te ao Māori perspective that focuses on providing whānau the knowledge, support and tools to enable their tamaiti to blossom and achieve their potential.

A key component of the programme is the focus on te reo, tikanga and pūrākau Māori. The service walks alongside whānau Māori who are not actively engaged in early childhood services and who may be confronted with challenges that impact on identity, health, social, education and economic outcomes and learning pathways for their tamariki and mokopuna.

Eligibility: Your child is Māori, under the age of 3 years, lives in Hamilton and not currently engaged in an early learning service.

To enroll in Whakatō Te Kākano please complete the online referral form.

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